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DMB Little Rock 2003

Name:Bryan Harrell

Twitter Handle: @BryanHarrell

Current Favorite DMB Song: Grey Street

Current Favorite DMB Lyric: "funny how things change , but basically they stay the same "

Song(s) referenced in your post: Seek-up, Nancies, Warehouse, Stone, Billies, The Maker and two Step

So today's dose takes to the first time the Dave Matthews Band played the state of Arkansas, the home of president Bill Clinton and the Natural State as indicated by the greeting on the highway sign. I had the pleasure of driving down from Bonner Springs Kansas where I had caught the previous nights show, I was on 7 day bender of DMB & Phish smack dab in the summer of 2003. I had the epiphany walking into my local dive bar only a month earlier that I must go see the country and see DMB in states that I haven't ever been too.

Whatever the gods were trying to tell me were indicated by the blockbuster performance inside the Alltel Arena that Sunday evening. This Is a top shelf show, highly underrated very underrated in the show catalog . Ant's opens the show, you knew you were in for a bizarre ride, a 16 minute Seek-up put the show into 5th gear and the boys never looked back, a mid-set Nancies>Warehouse that nearly tore the roof off, a late Stone, encore Billies and an incredible encore of Johnny Cash's The Maker>Two Step. This show made my summer and I won't ever forget the drive through Dixieland that landed me in Little Rock down by the riverside that fine evening.

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